Enjoy prime quality Yamagata Beef and other dishes using fresh ingredients in the comfort of your room.
For every meal, we go to great lengths to provide our customers with prime quality Yamagata Beef and other dishes using fresh local ingredients at a reasonable price.
Nowadays, not many ryokan or Japanese traditional inns serve meals in your room. At Arimakan however, we bring breakfast and dinner to each room so that our customers can enjoy their meals in the comfort of their room.
a hot pot consisting of thinly sliced prime Japanese beef, tofu, and vegetables stewed in sweetened soy sauce, served by dipping in raw egg.
Yamagata Beef is a type of prime Japanese beef which has a very soft flavor. We are confident that you will be satisfied with its taste.
In addition to Yamagata Beef, we serve other Yamagata style dishes using plenty of local ingredients. We also offer a plan where you can enjoy your Yamagata Beef from a choice of sukiyaki, shabu-shabu (a hot pot similar to sukiyaki but more savory and less sweet) or toban-yaki (beef and vegetables cooked on a ceramic plate).
Please contact us through phone by noon of your preferred date, stating that you would like to choose the “meal grade up plan”. Please tell us which of the three choices – sukiyaki, shabushabu, or toban‐yaki you would like.
Because having to serve meals to each private room is time consuming, nowadays many ryokan have stopped providing this service. However, Arimakan continues to bring breakfast and dinner to each room so that our customers can enjoy their meals in the comfort of their room.
So that we do not disturb your precious time together, we refrain from excessively entering the rooms (only about three times).
If you prefer, you can also select to have your breakfast at the restaurant on the first floor at your chosen time.
The restaurant operates from morning until evening
※ Open by reservation only